Zero Escape : Virtue's Last Reward
The story follows Sigma Klim, who is abducted and placed in an empty facility along with eight others, his main partner being a mysterious girl named Phi. They are forced to participate in the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition, a deadly game which involves needled bracelets filled with lethal poison, allying and betraying players, exploring the facility and solving escape-the-room puzzles in order to survive and escape, as well as figuring out why they were kidnapped and who Zero is.
"Why do people... betray each other? If you can't trust anyone... then everyone should DIE."
"You thought you'd defeated the Nonary Game, but now it's back, and more deadly than ever. It'll take cunning, skill, and more than a little luck to escape alive, but do you really have a choice?"
The story follows Sigma Klim, who is abducted and placed in an empty facility along with eight others, his main partner being a mysterious girl named Phi. They are forced to participate in the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition, a deadly game which involves needled bracelets filled with lethal poison, allying and betraying players, exploring the facility and solving escape-the-room puzzles in order to survive and escape, as well as figuring out why they were kidnapped and who Zero is.
"Why do people... betray each other? If you can't trust anyone... then everyone should DIE."
"You thought you'd defeated the Nonary Game, but now it's back, and more deadly than ever. It'll take cunning, skill, and more than a little luck to escape alive, but do you really have a choice?"
GENRES: Decision mattes,psychological,visual novel,puzzle,
PLATFORMS: Nintendo 3DS ,PlayStation Vita / PS TV, PlayStation 4 (coming), PC (coming)
Zero Escape : Virtue's Last Reward Game Trailer
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